Thursday, May 27, 2010

Back in Canada

After a mind-numbing 26 hour plane trip, which included two stop-overs, I arrived back in Toronto to some glorious summer weather.  The hottest days of the year in Toronto were a welcome relief from the constant 35 degree humidity in SE Asia! 

As always, returning from a long trip is a mixed experience.  On the one hand, I have some regrets about leaving SE Asia, as there wais so much more to see.  On the other hand, it is nice to enjoy the familiarity of home after 4 months of constant change. 

As if to reinforce the experience of returning home, I crossed the west coast of Canada at the precise moment when the sunrise was scattered into a spectrum of colour by the atmosphere, ranging from pink clouds below to deep blue sky above (apologies for the angle - it's my feeble effort to be artistic).

Overall, though, I really enjoyed the experience and am looking forward to another trip this upcoming winter!

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