Monday, March 8, 2010


Like Japan, Singapore is a pretty easy place to travel - clean and efficient.  Unlike Japan, however, Singapore is hot.  Temperature was pushing 35 degrees Celsius. 

My cousin was kind enough to allow me to stay with her in her beautiful condo (in the neighbourhood shown) - complete with swimming pool and tennis courts, and surrounded by jungle.  Needless to say, I haven't really been living the backpacker life on this trip yet!

The very unusual, and aptly named, probiscus monkey, a specimen in the Singapore Zoo.  Hopefully, as I travel through Borneo, I'll get to see one in it's native habitat.

Downtown Singapore, a modern financial capital.  Singapore is a really interesting place, both historically and culturally.  As a key trading centre over the last 150 years, it has developed a diverse population, although predominantly of Chinese descent (70%).  Correspondingly, the food is extremely wide-ranging - Thai, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Malaysian - and all usually available at very cheap prices from the innumerable hawker stands around the city.

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